Mission Trips
JOIN US! We are going to Timothy Home This Summer!
Go & Tell is partnering with Believers World Outreach to travel to Masaka, Uganda, to serve at Timothy Home!
June 15 - 28, 2020

Uganda is a beautiful country full of beautiful people. However, amidst the beauty, there is great need. Poverty, disease, and civil unrest have created many orphans and caused brokenness throughout the country. But despite the hardships, Jesus still reigns victorious and so many of these people are an example to the Western world of what true joy is.
On this mission trip, your time will be spent in Masaka and surrounding villages where you will have the opportunity to care for widows and orphans, and share the Gospel like you never have before. You will work closely with Timothy Home, an orphanage and school founded by BWO team members in 2012. You will travel to rural villages, bringing healing through medical clinics, teaching sanitation classes, and suppling water filters where there is a dire need of both access to water and the purification of it.
The second half of our mission trip will be spent hosting a woman’s conference, teaching and loving orphans, hosting sports events with the kids, speaking in schools and churches, and being a learner in this incredible culture. This is your official invitation to join us on this summer mission trip and be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Masaka & Kirinda Village, Uganda
June 15 - 28, 2020
$3,498.00 All-Inclusive from New York, NY
$3,698.00 All-inclusive from Los Angeles, CA
Sign Up Deadline: May 1, 2020
Possible Ministry Opportunities:
Medical clinics
Training & launching village health teams
Optical Clinics
Distributing GPS tracked Water Filters
Orphanage Ministry
Children’s Outreach & Sports,
Beautification of Orphanage.
Widowed and Single Woman’s Conference
Prison Ministry:
Additional opportunities: Photographers, videographers, worship team members (singers, guitar players, etc.)