Last night was a reality check that I am back in Africa as I woke up to lizards going through all my food and lots of insect friends around my bed. Mom, I think they were after those bags of M&M’s you snuck in my bag. And no need for morning coffee in Africa when you wash your hair with the world’s coldest water. Even though the water was ice cold, all I could do was be grateful that there was enough water pressure to wash my hair. Every day here is a toss up with the water and electricity. Words cannot describe how much joy I experienced being reunited with the kids again! Imagine over 200 children running and yelling “Mommy Jenneeeefaarrr!” I don’t think anyone could make me feel as loved as they do. I could not believe how much the new children have completely transformed. They are living miracles. Today, we went out into the field to a neighboring district. Children sprinted out of their classroom to chase after the Muzungu when they saw us drive by. Sorry teacher! We now have two new additions to the orphanage home, Zaina and Mariam. Zaina grabbed my hand and would not let go and Mariam sprinted as fast as she could to meet us. It never gets old, seeing their reaction to riding in a car for the first time, seeing their new beds and blankets, and the joy they feel knowing they have a family. Their eyes light up and they giggle with excitement at every little thing, seeing running water and toys and books. Today, we also came across an elderly woman who could not walk. She isn’t able to go to church on Sunday so she puts on her Sunday gomesi and lays on her mat and prays. We prayed for her and she kept reaching out to touch my cheeks and hair in amazement that a Muzungu had come to see her. Despite her wrinkles, old age and completely weathered body, I saw one of the most graceful and beautiful woman I have ever seen. She emanated a beauty that isn’t defined by the outward but shines from within. Please pray for us as we are going to a difficult village tomorrow to pick up new children. The adventure continues…
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