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"Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” ~ John 4:13

Water Well Drilling Project

The swampy pond that is currently the source of water in Kirinda Village



The KidsCare Water Drilling Project has been formed in response to a general outcry for the initiative on natural resource management. It will be implemented by the KidsCare School. The overall project vision is a healthy and prosperous community capable of utilizing natural water resources in a sustainable manner. In order to realize this level of vision, the project perceives its mission in the following general objective:

  • To maximize the sustainable water benefit to our local communities thereby restraining them from using wetland water to generate domestic water and sustain a disease-free environment in order to achieve maximum reversal of wetland degradation.


The project, therefore, aims at passing information on safe water and providing an alternative water source to deal with abuse of natural resource water and improve on the quality of water sustainable use of drilled water for domestic use.


The beneficiaries are staff and pupils of KidsCare Nursery and Primary School and the people in the Village community of Kirinda, with a total population of about 2,325 people. This project will be implemented by a community-based school called KidsCare Nursery and Primary School.


Project Profile


KidsCare Water Drilling Project will be located in the local community in Kirinda Lc1 Kalagala Parish, Mukungwe Sub-County in Masaka District, aimed at reversing of natural resource degradation by improving the quality of water for the local communities through provision of safe water by means of alternative water source through the structured committee within the organization of KidsCare Ministry in collaboration with school, local village council, and donor agency.


Specific Problems

  1. People share a common water source with their animals

  2. There is overuse of wetland water

  3. There are widespread water-borne diseases

  4. Our school children move long distances to the water source to fetch water and this leads to loss of classroom time




The people and pupils of KidsCare Nursery and Primary School and village are laden with the tendency of encroaching on wetland for fetching water for home use. Women and children alone cannot collect adequate water for domestic use. This phenomenon draws men away from concentrating on development projects and children from attending class at school in favor of fetching water (which is contaminated with impurities).


So, construction of water reservoirs (drilled well) within the center of the communities will enable us to collect enough water and also reduce the journey for water fetcher and protect the water of the wetlands. The drilled well will provide improved quality water source throughout the year. Otherwise, if the situation remains unattended to, it will cause the people to deplete the water table of the wetlands.


Vision of the Project


Caring for the natural resource in a sustainable manner.


Mission Statement


To manage water resources within local community in an integrated and sustainable manner in order to secure and provide water of adequate quantity and quality for all social and economic needs for the present and future generation in line with government policy of water of 2002.




  • To conserve wetland from being drained of its water.

  • To enhance the quality of life of the community through the provision of safe water and education.

  • To ensure the availability of reliable water supply.




  1. To provide access to clean water to 2,325 people in the village and most particularly our children who attend our school

  2. To sensitize the local community the need for pure, clean water

  3. To educate the community about the dangers of encroaching on wetland water

  4. To promote and develop sustainable, management and equitable utilization of water resource

  5. To ensure increased volume of water in Lake Victoria Catchment zones.


Description and Cost of the Project


The proposed project is water drilling. We intend to buy a water pump that will push water into our three existing water tanks. The project will be manned by the Project Co-Coordinator and The School Management Committee. The total cost for drilling the well, the pump, and associated equipment is: $5,953 USD.


General Information & Demographics of the Village:


KidsCare is located in Kirinda Village, Mukungew Subcountry, Mukungwe Subcountry and has a population of 35,113 people. KidsCare Primary School has a population of 1,029 pupils and 41 staff members. It is neighboring Notre Dame High School, with a population of 543 students.


Total Number of Households in the Community: 520 households

Average Household Size: 5 people

Approximate Population Size: 2,325 people

Population Density: Rural

Nearest Large Town: Masaka

Distance from Community: 1 mile

Terrain: Plains


Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Status


  1. The primary source of water in this community is a swampy pond.

  2. Is the proposed water source for this project safe: Yes

  3. Who owns and maintains the source: The community (Kirinda Village)

  4. Is a fee charged to use the current source of water: No

  5. Does the current water source provide enough water year-round: No

  6. Is it likely that the current water source is contaminated? Yes

  7. Describe the physical characteristics of the water: The community shares the same water with animals. It’s cloudy and smells badly.

  8. Does the community consider the current source of water safe to use: No

  9. Which factors are currently limiting access to the source (especially for the vulnerable and disabled: Location, Crowding, and Source Capacity

  10. Does any water supply infrastructure already exist: Yes, KidsCare Primary School has built 3 water tanks and a gutter system to collect rain water (30,000 litres). However, because the current water source in the community and the severe drought, there has been a massive shortage of water.

Type of Equipment Necessary for Water Well Project


We intend to dig a standard deep well of 158 feet deep. A water pump will be installed to pump the water to our already existing water tanks.


Maintenance Plan


KidsCare Primary School has 1,029 children of whom, a majority pay some reasonable school fee of $86 per year. We intend to use some of the school income to maintain the equipment, as maintenance is part of our annual budget.


Ongoing Evaluation of Water Quality


Masaka District is normally hit by long periods of droughts, and thus leaves thousands of people without water as the major water sources are quickly drying up. In many urban and peri-urban communities of low- and medium-income countries, grey water discharge is of increasing concern as population in these areas continues growing, consequently bringing about an increase in water-related diseases.


In Uganda, Masaka water works has the highest unit chemical cost per cubic meter of water pumped in National Water and Sewerage Cooperation, with an average of 191shs/ms in comparison to the National Water and Sewerage Cooperation global unit chemical cost per cubic meter of 77shs/ms. Report made by Makerere University Institutional Repository.


Who Will Work on the Project


The KidsCare school management Committee is responsible for managing the whole project to ensure accountability of funds and making progressive reports to the donor.


Past Success


KidsCare is located in Kirinda Village, Mukungwe subcounty, Masaka District. In the water department, we managed to give out 125 water filters with the help of Go and Tell, Inc. We also put up two rain water tanks with 20,000 litres of water and this was a donation from funds raised by Go and Tell, Inc. The central government also gave us a water tank of 10,000 litres.


Partners and Contributors


KidsCare has partners from Uganda and overseas. From Uganda, we partner with the central government, local government, local council, local NGOs and CBOs, and churches. From overseas, we partner with organizations like Go and Tell Inc., Believers World Outreach, and Prisoners of Hope Ministry.

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